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Knowledge Management and the Great Resignation

Automating information capture, organization, and accessibility

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Retaining Enterprise Knowledge with Semantics Information Management

The Great Resignation was a wake-up call to companies around the world about the importance of information capture and sharing. Critical knowledge workers left companies around the world, taking their tacit knowledge with them and forcing their employers to scramble to figure out how to replace them.

In this presentation, Joe and Benoit talked about how Semantics information management strategies and tools like PoolParty and Knowledge Graphs are automating the way that information is captured, organized, and made accessible across the organization. They share the concepts of how these tools work along with successful examples from work the Enterprise Knowledge team has done in the past.


Benoit Gaussin

Benoit Gaussin

Partner Manager at Enterprise Knowledge (EK)

Joseph Hilger

Joseph Hilger

Chief Operating Officer at Enterprise Knowledge (EK)